These Things That Are Not Mine

I would gladly borrow Your knowledge, Lord, so that I could avoid dwelling in the tension of not knowing when this season will end. It feels like life is on hold, and we don't know what will be left when this is all over. Will there be jobs, food, money? Will there be a future for us, and what will it hold? It seems like the hard things would be easier and more comfortable if we knew the expiration date, if we knew that peace and relief were on the way.

I would gladly borrow Your power in order to make this stop—to keep people from dying and going broke, to make life comfortable and predictable. To keep my friends and family safe, to make sure I'm protected and provided for, to fulfill my own plans and desires.

I would gladly borrow Your ability to be present everywhere. I miss my people, and I long to hold them close. Presence is such an undervalued gift, until we're suddenly thrust into isolation, and we crave the togetherness that we often didn't take time for before

I want to borrow all these things, Lord, but I know that there's a reason that they belong only to You. You are the One who holds all things together, and You are able to work in all things to accomplish Your purposes. Instead of clamoring for knowledge, help me to trust an unknown future to You my Father, the One who knows me, knows the story from beginning to end, and has made His perfect love fully known. Rather than grasping for control, help me to remember Your sovereignty and be humbly surrendered to You. Your ways are higher than mine, Your purposes are so much greater. Turn my heart to cherish and prioritize the spiritual over the temporal. And when I long to be present with the people I love, let me lift my eyes to You and choose to rejoice and be content with knowing that You are present with them, and that is the greater gift. You know their situations and their hearts. You alone are the God of Peace. May I come into Your presence each day and walk more closely with You, for in Your presence there is fullness of joy.