1. The Danger of Avoiding Lament

    Lament isn't comfortable, but if we don't engage in the process, the results can be just as damaging as the pain we started with.

  2. Grieving the Small Things

    When we turn to God, every small hurt or disappointment is an opportunity to know Him more and be shaped to reflect Him to others.

  3. Grieving in Community

    Difficulty has a tendency to lead us to turn inward and deal with the pain alone, so it takes intentional effort to see each other, engage, and walk through grief together.

  4. Love and Longing

    Through lament, God works to shape our heart, to grow in us a deeper love and longing for Him and His Kingdom.

  5. God Speaks

    The voices of pain, fear and anger speak loudly. As we journey through lament, we need to listen to and be reoriented by God’s voice.

  6. The Journey

    Lament leads us on a journey—from darkness to light, hopeless to resting.

  7. The Invitation

    The first step of lament is to turn to God. He invites us to draw near and bring our pain and questions to Him.

  8. These Things That Are Not Mine

    In this season of brokenness and uncertainty, I find myself wanting to have control that really belongs to God.

  9. A Patient Pursuit

    In difficult relationships, we have the opportunity to put the gospel on display by the way we pursue others.

  10. How an Eternal Perspective Shapes Our Present Living

    As we lift up our eyes to behold God’s purposes and promises, every aspect of our lives can be transformed and directed toward Him.

  11. Engaging with the Word

    The Bible is living and active—it teaches, convicts and changes us as we interact with it.

  12. Key Strategies for Navigating Conflict

    In the face of conflict's destructive potential, how can we seek to display redemptive grace in our relationships?

  13. Walking in Wisdom

    God is calling us to a life of wisdom, marked by worship and humility.

  14. Surrender: The Path Through Suffering

    Suffering is inevitable, but God has shown us a way to journey through it: learn to surrender.

  15. The Problem with Confidence

    The gospel redefines and redirects our idea of confidence.

  16. Book Review: Unshakable Pursuit

    A 30-day devotion book that is gospel-centered and grace-saturated.

  17. Being Defines Doing

    Our identity and value are rooted in God, not in our performance.

  18. Why Community is an Important Piece of Your Counseling Journey

    Counseling is much more effective when the people you live life with are aware of the content and progress of your counseling.

  19. How the Church Can Care for Those It Sends Out: Getting Started

    The work of caring for and connecting with our sent ones is a responsibility the church should take seriously.

  20. Seeing Through the Fog

    How can we fix our eyes on the Lord when it's hard to see clearly?

  21. Our Daily Bread

    The story of manna teaches us about God's faithfulness and how we are created to be humbly dependent on Him.

  22. Current Reads You Don't Want to Miss

    Three books I'm reading that will point your heart to Christ.

  23. Reframing Your Story

    Instead of keeping the pain front and center, God invites us to zoom out and view our story from His perspective.

  24. The Humility of Image Bearers

    As God's image bearers, we are designed to exalt Him and walk in dependence on Him.

  25. This is God's Story

    God's plan and purpose reframes our discontent and points to satisfaction in Him.

  26. The Church is a Family

    The church is designed to be a family: loving and serving selflessly, investing in one another's lives, and providing humble accountability.

  27. All Things New

    God is the Author of this story, and He is at work remaking us into His image.

  28. Our Identity in Christ

    The things we believe about our identity fuel our thoughts, our actions, and the way we live.